Halloween Costumes in Ireland!

So i havent blogged in a week, but with good reason. In my last post i was complaining i couldnt find the halloween costumes i wanted from an Irish supplier. Well I found a solution… or should i say i made a solution. A close friend of mine read the post and late Sunday night (whilst in the supermarket) we hatched a plan to start our own online Irish costume website over the phone. Its wednesday now and later tonight or by the latest tomorrow our site should be fully functional and open for business. We’ve already got about 10 orders from friends who were having the same problems. And our first shipment of supplies will be maufactured and delivered by Monday – fast tracked by excellent suppliers. This is by far the fastest i’ve ever launched a business and its an incredibly fun experience. If this test run succeeds i’ll re-brand it and re-launch on a larger scale for christmas.

Now whilst doing back ground i have to admit i did find several Irish websites, but by then i had started churning idea’s and i believe its possible to compete with them and win.

I’ll post later when the site is up and running. Would love any feedback, suggestions, critique etc.

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