Free Entrepreneur Downloadable Seminars

Probably the one of the two most benefical things I did when going through 3rd level education was to focus on learning everything I could about successful entrepreneurs (the other was becoming a lecturer for a year). One sure way to learn about business is to find out what makes great entrepreneurs great, then do that.

In UCD, NOVA bring in some big name entrepreneurs to talk to the business community and students. I remember sneaking off half way through lectures to make it to these talks, then do my best to hang around after words and try to have a two minute chat with each of them.

These Jems of lecturers / seminars are avaiable FREE online – its one of the most powerful uses of the internet in my opinion. The files are about 500mb so their very big and my hope is that should Nova get the traffic they deserve they will still be able to continue providing such a great service with the backing of the Enterprise boards.

Almost a year since it took place, this morning i listen/watched (for the second time) Stephen Flood, Managing Director, Gold Investments . If you take into consideration the current price of Gold (hint – its up roughly 42% since he advised to go into it!) and his economic forecast and insight. I think that alone should make you want to download these FREE seminars.

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