Archive for December, 2009 Pet Shop

I’m delighted to announce the launch of the Brand New – My latest e-commerce venture in partnership with Mollys founder Claire Lanigan. Mollys Pet Boutique is one of Ireland’s Top Pet Shop Brands.

mollys pet Shop Logo

Using a new platform and combining that with the tips and tricks picked up from other businesses in my portfolio, this is one of the most exciting projects to date. The pet industry has some big established competitors and it’s extremely populated, selling dog clothes and healthy cat food might not sound like an obvious step for the guy that spent the latter half of last year choosing my favorite bikini models, while moving one of Ireland’s fastest growing e-commerce companies to a whole new level. But the business principles and strategies are similarly aligned and i do love a challenge of taking on bigger and bigger opportunities. Will be interesting to see how this one plays out.

As always would love to hear your thoughts on the new site:

Christmas FM

Christmas FM

Christmas FM

Today is the final broadcast for ChristmasFM so i wanted to thank all the team of volunteers that helped us make the station such a success again this year.

Although we can’t release the official amount of money we’ve raised for the Simon Community (fighting homelessness), I can let slip that it was in excess of our forecasts. The official figure will be announced in the Irish Daily Mail.

Also thanks to our sponsors for 2009 – EBS, The Irish Daily Mail, Tesco, Lemon Sweets, D4 hotels, Webworld, Formit, Also all the presenters, Street teams, people that donated their skills in any way to make the station happen.

We go off air at 7pm today.

Plans are already bring thought up for next year to make it even bigger and better. But we’d love to hear your feedback on

Guerilla Creative Ads

I love stumbling across great and new marketing approaches. recently i saw this marketing campaign on d-lists blog and was really impressed with this advertising / design by Publicis Mojo.

What methods could you do in your business to become a talking point?